Building a
Circular Economy


By Franck Coyo
Electric Vehicle Services Portfolio

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5 minutes

Recycling Electric Vehicle Batteries in Canada

As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is rapidly increasing. While EVs help to cut down greenhouse gas emissions, the end-of-life management of EV batteries poses a significant challenge to building a circular economy. In Canada, the disposal and recycling of EV batteries have become a crucial part of ensuring a sustainable future for the country.

This article aims to highlight the importance of recycling EV batteries, how recycling is currently being carried out in Canada, and the challenges and opportunities in building a circular economy for the EV battery business.

Environmental and Economic Benefits of Recycling EV Batteries

Environmental Benefits:
From an environmental perspective, recycling helps to reduce the negative impact of battery production on the earth by :

  • Using less raw materials, such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel, which have significant environmental impacts when they are mined and refined.
  • Recycling used batteries in a safe manner reduces hazardous waste, which can pollute soil and water if not handled correctly.
  • Recycling also allows for the recovery of useful materials that can be reused in new batteries, thereby saving energy and reducing the overall carbon footprint of the EV industry as whole.

Economic Benefits:
From an economic perspective, building a strong recycling business for EV batteries in Canada has several benefits, such as:

  • It can create new job opportunities in recycling centers, research and development, and services linked to recycling.
  • Recycling used batteries can help to improve the country’s energy security by reducing the need to import raw materials.
  • A steady supply of recycled materials can help the EV industry in Canada grow, as it will ensure a consistent supply of materials for making batteries.

Recycling EV batteries not only helps to reduce the negative environmental impact of battery production but also creates new economic opportunities for the country.

The Current State of Recycling EV Batteries in Canada

Recycling Technologies
All over the world, people are researching and developing different ways to recycle, such as mechanical processes, pyrometallurgical methods, and hydrometallurgical methods. In Canada, companies like Li-Cycle are at the forefront of developing new ways to recycle. For example, they have developed a two-step process that can recover up to 95% of the valuable materials from old lithium-ion batteries.

Government Initiatives and Rules
The Canadian government has also taken initiatives to promote responsible management of end-of-life EV batteries.Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act of 1999, Environment and Climate Change Canada has established rules on how to deal with old batteries, including rules on how to collect, transport, and recycle them.

Challenges and Opportunities for a Circular Economy

Standardisation in the EV Battery Industry
Lack of standardisation in battery design, composition, and recycling is a major challenge for the growth of a circular economy for EV batteries. The industry needs to work together to create uniform standards for battery production and end-of-life management to improve recycling efficiency and increase material recovery.

Investing in Research and Innovation
Investing in research and innovation is crucial to improve recycling methods, develop new technologies, and make material recovery more efficient. Collaboration between universities, businesses, and the government can help develop new ways to recycle and turn Canada into a leader in EV battery recycling.

Raising Public Awareness and Engagement
Battery recovery programs can only be successful if the public is aware of them and takes part. Educating people about the importance of recycling and making it easy for them to access recycling centres can help increase recycling rates and promote sustainable practices. Public awareness campaigns and outreach programs can also encourage people to recycle their batteries and reduce the environmental impact of EVs.


Recycling EV batteries is an important part of a healthy future for Canada, as it helps protect the environment and boost the economy. For the EV battery industry to make a circular economy, it is important to develop efficient recycling technologies, encourage collaboration, and raise awareness among the public. Canada can set the stage for a greener and more resilient future by tackling the problems and taking advantage of the opportunities in this new field.

  1. Li-Cycle (n.d.). Technology. Retrieved from
  2. Government of Canada (2019). Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 – Canada’s main environmental law. Retrieved from
  3. International Energy Agency (2020). Batteries and hydrogen technology key for a clean energy future. Retrieved from
  4. Natural Resources Canada (2020). End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Recycling. Retrieved from

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